Monday, January 11, 2010


offline for a while, now im online again haha

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What the Fruits?

Someone said, one picture may have thousand stories behind it..
so what is this pic's story then? xD


Nice Job~

Renung2 kan..
dan Selamat beramal~~

AdiB aNak AjaiB

Mari Menabung!

Hari ni, dah due bulan lebeh start menabung..
sangat lah obses terhadap duet syiling...pantang nampak syiling kat rumah, lajuuu je ngaku aku punye..
dan pada hari ini tabung tersebot telah penuh...
lalu bermulalah episod mengira duit dalam tabung itu..

50 cents

10 cents

dan jumlah keseluruhannya..

RM 214.00
+ wang syiling ihsan dari Along
RM 36.00
Menjadikan RM 250.00

not bad right? memanglah jumlah tu macam kecik kan?
mungkin ade orang cakap "eleh..250 je??"
tapi bagi aku sangatlah banyak kalau tibe2 tejumpe 250 tersebut..hehe..
hati pon nyaman je.....

nyaman + tenang (ini adalah pemandangan di kandang rusa pada waktu petang)

thanks for reading!!
credits to Along yang sudi meluangkan waktu tolong kire xD

AdiB aNak AjaiB

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Good Day!!!


changed to a new one : RM 420.00

ever seen this kind of spark plug?
no lah, the actual price is RM220.00

and that's the entry for now..

Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Gadjets for Hari Raya xD

I think I'm gonna love this hari raya


Firstly, I do fast for 24 days, which is more than last year xD

Secondly, great Ramadhan coz we can get to berbuka puasa outside often.

Then, my love get to berbuka with me and my family.

And, I also get the chance to berbuka with her family.

Lastly, hehehehehheeee.......

I've been using this stupid phone for almost two months already,

Yea its stupid

Of course some of u will say it deserve to be stupid based on the price (I do agree we cant get any cheaper phone than this one). I bought it for RM 78, and I regretted it as I can get a Nokia phone with another additional RM 20, which is a better phone.

The problems is, the device keep turning off itself, more than 500
times already in two month!! When i bring it back, they said "We can give u a new set, but there's no guarantee it wouldn't happen again".

And that is not the only problems, many more which i don't want to mention it. For those who wanna know the other problems, do buy it for urself and try it xD

Now, the best part...
Im welcoming my new phones xD

Brand new Nokia N97 and E71 @.@ wooots

and a WARM welcome for both of u E series and N series



And before i forget..
Wishing U guys a Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin!!!!

AdiB aNak AjaiB

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Berbuka di Seremban

Dah la aku tak puase kerane musafir, ingat kan kene gi seremban atas arahan mengambil kueh, then buleh loncat2 balik Shah Alam balik. Ate ghopenye sampai je sane, kueh tak siap lagi, langsung kene melekat kat sane berbuke skali bersame bakal parents in law plak.

Kita pon baguih dok ada cover line buat muka penat konon puase wakaka. Siap semayang maghrib baru rush g Serdang jumpe Photographer plak, pass kueh tersebut, dan disebabkan mengantuk tahap dewa setelah tidak tidur melebihi 48 jam, maka terbongkanglah patik sehingga sahur pun tidak makan. Adakah ini menjanjikan keuzuran pada hari ini lalu menambah bilangan hari tidak berpuasa kepada 4
instead of 3??

Owh, tinggal 3 hari lagi nak puase, so kalau tggl tige hari ni, total hari tidak berpuasa akan menjadi enam which is waaaaaaaaaaaaay better than last year which i ended up fasting for 12, yea TWELVE days only xD

AdiB aNak AjaiB

Friday, September 11, 2009

Check Out This Song!~.~

Nice song eh?
I can't upload it from youtube coz the embed is disabled by request..anyone can help??
Anyway check it out from this url :

click here xD

AdiB aNak AjaiB